2021-04-23 Cancellation of physical meetings and back to zoom meeting
Dear respected members of RC Bangkok, Due to the recent surge in the numbers of the UK strain of Covid-19, the board of directors of our Club have discussed this developing issue and as we are accustomed in putting the health and safety of all our members as our first priority, have agreed to be […]
2021-04-07 RCB Health Check
Dear Respected Members of Rotary Club of Bangkok, Please download the Rotary Club health check file (PDF). Place a check mark in the boxes next to the statements you consider to be true. Then act on the suggested remedies for any problem areas you’ve identified. Send it back to Rotary Club of Bangkok <rotarybangkok@gmail.com> before Thursday 2021 […]
2021-04-01 Rotary Thailand Magazine
Greetings from Rotary Thailand Magazine! Below please find links to our January-February 2021 issue Online reading : https://issuu.com/rotarycentre/docs/2020-21_janfeb_en From Pg 34 the editorial for D.3350 is on establishing 2 new clubs in Yangon by PP Haymar. Pg 36 is the write up on RCB 90th Anniversary. Please scroll through all interesting articles.