Chat voices of visitors and members @ RCB Installation 2021-22
WE HAVE RECEIVED SO MANY INTERESTING MESSAGES FROM VISITORS AND CLUB MEMBERS WHO ATTENDED OUR FIRST INSTALLATION VIA ZOOM IN THE CLUB’S 91 YEAR’S HISTORY. HERE IS A SELECTION OF ONES THAT COULD BE IDENTIFIED: Clubs outside Thailand D-5470, Colorado, USA PDG Peter Jeschofnig: Congratulations to outgoing President Abdullah for the club’s accomplishments during the […]
RC Bangkok’s 91st Installation Ceremony, Rotary Year 2021-22
The ceremony took place on 23 June 2021 from 11.30-13.30 hrs. This is the first time in our club history that we had our Installation of Club Officers and Board of Directors by Zoom Meeting. Nevertheless, it turned out to be a great event as we had many VIP Rotarians, Rotarian friends, club members and […]
Crowdfunding campaign “Healthy now, Healthy always”
Re: The Rotary Club of Bangkok Foundation crowdfunding campaign “Healthy now, Healthy always.” ( We are pleased to report that a total of Baht 1,649,551.62 was crowdfunded through our crowdfunding campaign. This includes contributions from online and offline channels, and the B. Grimm corporate match. 1) On May 21, 2021 a team of Rotarians visited […]