Time: 17:00-21:00 Hours
Activities: Installation of Board of Directors
Where: Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok Hotel
Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok
Who: Members, spouses and family
District officers, DG, DGE, DGN, DGND PDG
Sister Clubs delegates
Rotarians from other clubs
Friends and guests
Program: 17:00 Hrs. Registration and Cocktail Reception
17:20 Hrs. Group Photo
17:45 Hrs. Light music live performance
18:15 Hrs. Flag parade
18:30 Hrs. Meeting called to order
18:45 Hrs. Dinner
18:50 Hrs. Music live performance
19:25 Hrs. District Governor and Incoming District Governor speeches
19:30 Hrs. President’s and Incoming President’s time
20:30 Hrs. Address by Past RI President H.E. Bhichai Rattakul
21:00 Hrs. Meeting Adjourned
Price: Baht 1,800
Dress: Formal / Black Tie (optional)
RSVP: Contact Khun Bing rotarybangkok@gmail.com or 082 6414298