“Catch the color for good”
05 February 2022 Ball room, Grand Hyatt Erawan
5.30 Registration
( Vaccine certificate is required if you have not sent in before. ATK test is available for those who fail to show the certificate)
Then proceed to the foyer, solf drinks will be served (no alcohol).
5.45 Photo taken at the stairs of the hotel and foyer area.
6.20 Door open, guest proceed to their table ( assigned)
6.35 Catchy band performs 2 intro songs
6.45 Catchy band play NATION ANTHEM
6.48 MC introduce himself
6.50 president welcoming speech
7.00 concert starts
Enjoy dinner
9.15 presentation of flowers to ….,
9.30Thanks and good night
Dress : Smart casual and colorful.
This is to inform you that Catch Color for Good concert on the 5 February will apply the Pandemic precautious measures to ensure the safety of our members , family and guests.
– Those confirmed attendance please send your Vaccinated Certificate to RCB Line group, or e-mail to Khun Bing at rotarybangkok@gmail .com for faster registration.
– Print hard copy of certificate or show the photo of certificate from your phone before going to the registration desk.
– Those who fail to do so will be asked to do the on spot ATK test provided free of charge by Certified nurses.Thanks and see you all.
*** Thank you if you have already sent to Khun Bing.
Vasana Mututanont
Rotary Club of Bangkok 2021-22