Dear RCB members,


You’re invited to join 6th RCB Weekly Luncheon Meeting on 10th August, 2023 as per following information.


Date: Thursday, 10th August, 2023

Time: 12.15 – 13.30 hrs.
Where: Grand Hyatt Erawan, Residence 302

Topic: “Mindfulness for Sustainable Peace”   

Speaker: Ven. Prof. Dr. Phrakrupalad Pannavorawat (Hansa Dhammahaso)



Beet root carpaccio, Slow bake beet root, orange sauce, feta cheese, walnut cracked


Main Course:

Opt.1: Pan seared red snapper, caponata, veloute sauce

Opt.2: Coq Au Vin, Chicken hip, mashed potatoes, red wine, shallot, herb

Opt.3: VGML/”Pad See Ew J” Stir fried flat noodle, tofu, kailan, garlic



Vanilla creme brulee, strawberry coulis, mix berry, ice cream mango


****Please direct your confirmation and main course selection to me by Tue./Aug. 8 (before 5 pm.) for seating and catering handling****


Note: Attached photo are for sample only. Caterings served on Aug. 10 may look different.


Yours in Rotary,

Sirikarn Praptowidjoyo (Bing)

Executive Secretary

Rotary Club of Bangkok